Looking for OG youtube.

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HaloReach said:

Youtubes arent worth much pissoff i said i was looking for a youtube not an opinion.
Gosh said:
Youtubes arent worth much pissoff i said i was looking for a youtube not an opinion.

You are looking for a neg, thanks babe. Take this L. YouTube are worth more than $50, unless you want youtube.com/user/hfgdtdgdtdfdfdt
You are clueless you fucking degenerate. Hit me up when you get money. Wait, that'll never happen.
HaloReach said:
You are looking for a neg, thanks babe. Take this L.  YouTube are worth more than  $50, unless you want youtube.com/user/hfgdtdgdtdfdfdt
You are clueless you fucking degenerate. Hit me up when you get money. Wait, that'll never happen.

lol good one considering i have a job, im a clueless degenerate yet im not stupid like you spending my money all on social medias?
Gosh said:
Youtubes arent worth much pissoff i said i was looking for a youtube not an opinion.

good luck getting a good youtube for $50 and if you do hmu with the idiot who sold it to you
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