Looking for owner

RE: Who

I know my friend previously owned this tag, he's on here, but I think he's more less a lurker though. In other words, its been swapped previously and has not been banned as far as I know.
Austin said:
I know my friend previously owned this tag, he's on here, but I think he's more less a lurker though. In other words, its been swapped previously and has not been banned as far as I know.

I'm looking to get in touch with the owner because I have a different question, no one I asked seems to know his FK or HF :{
Idk why tis tag is really not worth it. He kept adding me on XBL though. Good Luck. Just MSG him
BasedGod said:
Idk why tis tag is really not worth it. He kept adding me on XBL though. Good Luck. Just MSG him

How is a Gen 1 Pokemon tag not worth it?
Austin said:
How is a Gen 1 Pokemon tag not worth it?

To me, as I'm not a fan of Pokemon or Pokemon tags. Just msg him
BasedGod said:
To me, as I'm not a fan of Pokemon or Pokemon tags. Just msg him

I wouldn't wanna seem suspicious and get him in trouble, i will if I don't find out anything at all
I have him added, I believe the user "Shadow" owns it.
tus1kmayne said:
Thank you kind sir. Hopefully you're right :}

No the user shadow does not own this if you need a message relayed to him I can do so since I talk to him daily.
My friend owns 'Predestine' if you're looking for anything to do with 'destine'.
Khonsu said:
My friend owns 'Predestine' if you're looking for anything to do with 'destine'.

Not really my thing, thanks though, tbh i don't want destine, I want to make it "Destin E", looks sick haha.
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