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Looking for Partner


I'm looking for a member or two, to help me out with the forums of the site.
I'm hoping to create a place, where all call of duty gamers, editors, and GFX artists, can come, spend a while, earn awards, post videos, get promotion, and watch other amazing videos while their there.
Basically, I'm looking for a person who can advertise, bring in members, and activity, along with becoming the perfect partner to make the forum a hit.
You will be paid all of the money through account upgrades, and donations, but you will be expected to spend a minimum of 70% on the forum.
But you still make bank in the situation.
We need someone with connections. Bad.

Can I be admin?
Most likely, I'm now looking for 1 dedicated admin.

Will I be paid?
Yes, depending on the amount you help, you will get most ad revenue, plus some account upgrades.

Is this going to be a project that will end in a week?
Sure as hell hope not, I've got everything paid off for 8 months, I presume we will grow plenty in that time..

If you want to help out, please fill out this "Application"
(Just because you say "no/none" to any, doesn't mean your immediately denied. I want TRUTHFUL answers)
If you want to help, please fill out this application, Bold are important.

Time Zone/Location:
Time Spent Online/Day:
Experience with Forums in general:
Experience with MyBB:
How can you promote the site:
How do you plan to create activity:
Are you an active youtuber:
Can you invest money:
Do you play Co
Do you record/Edit:
Anything else:

Thank you!

iNeon HD

Time Zone/Location:central
Time Spent Online/Day:16 - 24 hours
Experience with Forums in general:i can do anything
Experience with MyBB:i can do alot of bb coding
How can you promote the site:I Will Promote it on my site
How do you plan to create activity:by playing xbox and posting on my site
Are you an active youtuber:yea
Can you invest money:maybe
Do you play Coyes alot
Do you record/Edit:i can edit
Skills:modding,editing,coding,gfx,and everything in between
Anything else:not really i you have any more questions please pm meh!


Power member.
So, whoever you chose, is expected to pay 70% of the forum costs?


User is banned.
Good luck finding some partners to help you.


So the person has to pay 70% of all costs + bring in activity.
Its not sure if he will be admin, at the end he is doing all the work and doesn't get one cent.

The forum idea won't have success, every day we have thousands of new forums about gaming, graphics,... etc.

I hate if people tell its a paid job but they have to invest and at the end they don't see one cent because you won't have any income with your forum.



This looks like a good site but starting a site from scratch is hard work good luck

Oh and I may be interested to help you out with getting ur site out there and be a dedicated admin plus I can help with paying for site