Looking for PK partner/group!


Onyx user!
Hey all!
I am looking for other members to come PK with me. I have a pure and I have a main.

Pure stats

Combat: 71+6
Attack: 61
Str: 82
Range: 84
Mage: 94
Prayer: 44

I will be barraging!

Main stats
Combat: 124+9
Attack: 97
Str: 99
Range: 97
Mage: 95
Prayer: 99
I am on Curses and will be barraging

Post here if you wanna come! I can welfare or high risk PK, anything you feel like!
NOTE: This is not only for today, I pk bassicly every day!
~101 :cool:
dam im 114+9 but im keen to do some pking in high level wildy :D
My stats

99 mage
99 strength
95 attack
Sure, I guess you can TB/Entangle for me? :D
if you can be like combat 80 soon then we can PK later planning to have like 94 mage and range next week or so then my stats will be :
60 Attack
99 Strength
94 Ranged
94 Magic
43 Prayer
1 Defence
1 Summoning
90-94 Constitution
Combat 80/81
will be going for":
99 strenth
99 Mage
99 Range
99 Constitution
60 Attack
43 Prayer
1 Defence
1 Summoning
81 Combat xD

so if you want we can pk later ^^
Suidacra1337 said:
if you can be like combat 80 soon then we can PK later planning to have like 94 mage and range next week or so then my stats will be :
60 Attack
99 Strength
94 Ranged
94 Magic
43 Prayer
1 Defence
1 Summoning
90-94 Constitution
Combat 80/81
will be going for":
99 strenth
99 Mage
99 Range
99 Constitution
60 Attack
43 Prayer
1 Defence
1 Summoning
81 Combat xD

so if you want we can pk later ^^
i'm 77 cb 1 def 52 prayer 60 att, 89 str, 89 hp, 94 range, 99 mage. Train up sir
I had a descent pure til it got hacked. Recently bought "NickVsYou"'s pure, so gonna take 2 weeks from tomorrow until it's fully trained :)
Just in general pking. Hybriding etc, maybe rushing by the time I'm done training :)