Looking for PK partner/group!


Onyx user!
Hey all!
I am looking for other members to come PK with me. I have a pure and I have a main.

Pure stats

Combat: 71+6
Attack: 61
Str: 82
Range: 84
Mage: 94
Prayer: 44

I will be barraging!

Main stats
Combat: 124+9
Attack: 97
Str: 99
Range: 97
Mage: 95
Prayer: 99
I am on Curses and will be barraging

Post here if you wanna come! I can welfare or high risk PK, anything you feel like!
NOTE: This is not only for today, I pk bassicly every day!
dam im 114+9 but im keen to do some pking in high level wildy
My stats

99 mage
99 strength
95 attack
Sure, I guess you can TB/Entangle for me?
if you can be like combat 80 soon then we can PK later planning to have like 94 mage and range next week or so then my stats will be :
60 Attack
99 Strength
94 Ranged
94 Magic
43 Prayer
1 Defence
1 Summoning
90-94 Constitution
Combat 80/81
will be going for":
99 strenth
99 Mage
99 Range
99 Constitution
60 Attack
43 Prayer
1 Defence
1 Summoning
81 Combat xD

so if you want we can pk later ^^
i'm 77 cb 1 def 52 prayer 60 att, 89 str, 89 hp, 94 range, 99 mage. Train up sir
I had a descent pure til it got hacked. Recently bought "NickVsYou"'s pure, so gonna take 2 weeks from tomorrow until it's fully trained
Just in general pking. Hybriding etc, maybe rushing by the time I'm done training
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