Looking for pokemon things


Power member.
Mainly looking for insta/twitter/tumblr/skype but also looking for kik/snapchat for cheap.

Lemme know what you have in pm preferably.

Payment in BTC or trades.
gunnar said:
@risk @chaz @jukebox
i know these people had some in the past

Spoke to Chaz off site, hopefully the others will contact me.
@haloreach has a nice pokemon twitter, speak to him about it.
ENĐ said:
@haloreach has a nice pokemon twitter, speak to him about it.

Just bought a really nice Pokemon twitter but I'll message him anyways.

Thanks for letting me know.
I had PMed you something.
Looks like you aren't interested.
Anyways, good luck!
Earn said:
@TrigInc has two Pokémon Skypes. Maybe talk to him?

Pmed, thank you for the heads up.
Still looking for IG/tumblr/twitters mainly. Lemme know.
I got some Pokemon hotmails, let me know if you interested in them
Fedora said:
I got some Pokemon hotmails, let me know if you interested in them

Nah mainly looking for insta/twitter/tumblr ty though.
Always looking to buy pokemon stuff.
Fedora said:
I got some Pokemon hotmails, let me know if you interested in them
DM me which ones you have I might want to buy them
gunnar said:
i'm working on unbanning my pokemon ig
i'll hit you up when it's out the feds
Lemme know bro, pm me the handle if you want too.
@Offline has two alright pokemon kiks for the low, you should hit him up if he still has them.
Check out @Chaz's Shop on here and i think @Jukebox had a pokemon Snapchat.
Always looking for pokemon stuff hmu.
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