Looking for some members


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I am looking for some members to helP me make video and typed up tutorials for runegear the site and every member of this forum would benefit and would be able to have video tutorials of quests Pking tips and merching tips.

If anyone is interested in doIng this along with me please message me for my skype or msn so we can get in touch.

Some things you will need is:
Camtasia or Fraps
Some decent english skills

What I will provide:
The YouTube account.
Depending on how many tutorials and how helpful you are I will buy you a 1 year VIP subscription to runegear
My support and love.
And possibly a userbar of "tut maker"
Tutorial like what? I can make commentaries, but I use hypercam, and have no idea on how to use camtastia or fraps. pm me for what kind of tutorials I'd love to help

edit: ill make a quest tutorial now
Yes I mean quest tutorials free and paid. Pking tips and everything we can do.
I'd Love to help. i would just need some tips on camtasia also.
i have used hypercam before though.
Ok, just made a f2p strength training guide, once it renders I'll upload it
Any recording software is fine, I just find fantasia easiest to use
Not bad I'm doing some of the f2P quests that don't give def exp :3
I was doing pirates treasure but I fucked up.
I'd suggest having written tutorials as well, not only videos on youtube.
Fowler said:
I'd suggest having written tutorials as well, not only videos on youtube.

The video is to go with the written tutorial.
Sir, Techno. I could be the manager for advertising the Youtube Account.
Perhaps when free trade comes back and i get some more $$, i can make a hybriding TuT
That would be nice, we need some good tuts. I'm sure there are a lot of things I can think of just not atm
Techno said:
Some things you will need is:
Camtasia or Fraps
Some decent english skills

Decent English skills?

I'd be willing to work with you, possibly in a position that requires me to write something. If need be, you can rummage through my previous threads/posts to satisfy your concern.
Solidify said:
Decent English skills?

I'd be willing to work with you, possibly in a position that requires me to write something. If need be, you can rummage through my previous threads/posts to satisfy your concern.

This is all voluntary that is why I posted it here.
Solidify said:
OK. Where did I mention I was looking to be paid for my work?

Just informing you, I didn't say you asked to be paid.
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