Looking For: Spectrum Camo

Rick Harrison

Onyx user!
There's a camo for pre-ordering Ghosts at a Microsoft Store called Spectrum Camo, and I need to have it. Does anyone have any codes?
RE: MS Employee Camo

I know a guy who has a ton of these I will message him for you
RE: MS Employee Camo

Shift said:
I know a guy who has a ton of these I will message him for you

Message me the guy as well? Thanks!
RE: MS Employee Camo

My thought process is, you'd have to be an employee to get this.
RE: MS Employee Camo

Shift said:
He obtained them since he is a MS employee
Well, add me to the list of people in line, I got PayPal.
RE: MS Employee Camo

I would like to get one as well! :)
RE: MS Employee Camo

yeah add me to the list aswell bb <3
RE: MS Employee Camo

Shift said:
I know a guy who has a ton of these I will message him for you

Dude I will buy one! Please msg me
RE: MS Employee Camo

I Want to buy one to can you message me too and is this for the xbox one only ?
RE: MS Employee Camo

I've seen some pro players with this camo, you'd be lucky to find one.
RE: MS Employee Camo

I would love to have any of these. If any of you could hook it up. I may just buy you a dildo.