Looking for Stat Niche Account or Weed/Girl IG - $1000


Onyx user!
Want: Stat niche account preferably 50k+ real followers.
Needs to be something easy to grow and eventually make money off of so let me know what you have and any other information you might have (typical comments/likes/type of followers/real figures if you've monetized and how).
I'm just beginning with stat IGs so I'm looking for some guidance, but I will do my own research before purchasing.

Price range: Anywhere from $100-1000+ I have the BTC on hand

Other: On the lookout for any weed related/girl IG (I live with a really hot stoner that wants something legit) so please contact me if you have anything along those lines.

Contact: PM, post, or kik me at "btc" - don't bother with scam attempts - I'm new here but have been on marketplace forums for 6+ years.