Looking for trades on IG


Power member.
Don't PM me asking what it is unless you have something to offer. Really only looking for other IGs.

Hard to put a value on it, as it's fucking sexy. @rude can vouch for that
I'm not too big on trading it, just want to see what offers I get. If it's something I love then I'll trade.
Duration said:
I have @Reeboks, would u want to trade with me?
Custom said:

It's not really that funny..lol

He doesn't know what plague has so how would he know if that was a decent offer or not?
Custom said:

lol lmk when you get a tag or ig worth $800+ or one that's better than any of my SMs
@bomb one of the very few members I actually like who things logically.
Duration said:
I have @Reeboks, would u want to trade with me?

Value would be around $250-300+ depending on the type of buyer. So looking for trades around there.
Bumping this up, still looking for offers.
Satanism said:
I'll trade one of my igs for this. loljk glwt tho

cute ig
You know none of those are for me feg, would never get the ones I wanted xD.
Back to the top, still looking at offers.
Bomb said:
Would you do a trade for a IG+BTC?

Highly depends on the IG. Not really in need of money, this is just to see if there is something else I like more.
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