Looking for Unban Method.


Is there any known methods of unbanning a tag that is permbanned?, If someone could send me one in private message or let me know they have one by posting on here it would be highly appriciated!

Join the club. FYI there are none as of now.
I've heard of the itunes method, I'm not sure if it works tho.
I'm looking to Unban a Xbox Live Account Mikey, Not sure if we are on the same page. Thanks for posting though guys.
#Mikey said:
I've heard of the itunes method, I'm not sure if it works tho.

Almost 100% positive that was a joke Mikey.
Yes dere iz a unbenning methud.

1. Log entu ur xbex luv accunt.

2. Gimme al dah enfu.

3. U geht uhbenned.

Yur wehlcume.
I heard there is one but it's not released and you won't have any chance of getting it unless you're good friends with the people that do know it.
People are claiming there's one through tier 3 but all the tier 3 extensions are null due to the fact all the workers have moved jobs or no longer work at microsoft anymore. And the tags that have been "unbanned" weren't publically known to be banned so it's like me having a 3 character and screaming from the roofs i unbanned it even though no one knew it was unbanned. GG.
Thanks for the posts everyone. I was just trying to find out if there was one, I've been out of the Original Gang a bit to long. Thanks.
Someone on this site that is very reputable tried using some kind of unban method on one of there accounts. However, I have no idea if it worked or not.
@Hustled, Thanks I kind've figured out there wasn't a public one or none at all after a few posts. Thanks though!