Looking to buy OG Gamertags

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User is banned.
Looking for a new OG Gamertag, leave some Gt's and ill get back to you!

Also leave the prices, thank you
Not OG, but worth a shot, WreckingDomes is what I am selling. Mw3 Prestige 3 Level 65. Halo reach arena rank ONYX 2 seasons in a row. Top 100 mlg gamebattles rank players on my friends list. Message me if interested!! If not good luck finding one you want!!

By the way I bought Halo Reach digitally so once you recover you can download the game, it has 4225+ gamer score also.
Nah it's ok bro, thank for the offer though! Goodluck selling it man
Im Uzi said:
I have the gamertag RoLL.

Proof -

How much are you willing to pay?

I would atleast like 40$ considering i payed 60 for it. I really need the money.

I would buy it, you would go first though and must give me time to secure teh account.
Diablo said:
I would buy it, you would go first though and must give me time to secure teh account.
Sorry bro. I would sell it but i dont know if you are legit. I need the money so i am not looking forward to getting scammed and also i am trusted on many different sites for selling and trading and i even middle man for some people. So it's your chance
Jon said:
Please deal with caution he is aknown scammer.

I was thinking the same thing. Like I said I don't go first anyway lol/

Never heard of you and I buy and sell more Gamertags then you have hairs on your head. I AM GODLY. Look it up.
Diablo said:
I was thinking the same thing. Like I said I don't go first anyway lol/

He was not talking about me.


i only have like 1 post so wtf he dont even know me
Jon said:
Banne. Nice try uzi but next time dont sell the gamertag that you scammed a kid with.
try picking a username that doesnt have uzi in it

Lol, Jon. And seriously Uzi. You scammed and won't admit it even though the proof was there. Man up bro.
Well if i bought the GT Roll id want a middleman , John?
Yeah Fallon i had to make a new account cause he banned me well my aim is Ryku if you would like to talk on there.
philly likes poop said:
Yeah Fallon i had to make a new account cause he banned me well my aim is Ryku if you would like to talk on there.

Dude, just leave. Your an annoying little 12 year old boy that looks like a straight homo, get the hell out of here.
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