Looking to buy OG/Short IG name(s) $500


I have $500 to $1000 to spend depending on how good the name is, type the name (if you can't type it out, type the hint), and your BIN. Don't try to bump the price because I have the funds available, stay true to what you want. Payment via PayPal preferably.

Specifically looking for @L*rd (Hint: Scott Disick) if anyone is friends with the owner, that would help too.
If you're talking bout @lord on IG, pretty sure the owner is a scammer
Abandon said:
If you're talking bout @lord on IG, pretty sure the owner is a scammer

You aren't mistaken dude, I can't remember who he is but yeah..he's a scammer.
Lyrics said:
You aren't mistaken dude, I can't remember who he is but yeah..he's a scammer.

I believe it's jake if I'm not mistaken.
i have the insta

and the kik: each

just kik me/ each and we can talk