Looking to sponsor!!!!


Hey guys we are looking to sponsor some great players, we are only looking for gamers who take gaming serious

for Xbox

two single players

one Team

for PS3

one singler player

two teams

please fill this our

pm me or email me josh.ekdahl@gmail.com
i have a few good people for COD MWF3 and i would be willing to play halo 4 for you guys when it comes out.... used to be sponsored when halo 3 was out. let me know.
If you guys are looking for people to Sponsor for gears of war 3 or judgement let me know i been playing since 06 and have a good partner
yes we are looking to sponsor on all games please fill out the app
well i need to know what the sponsorship offers me before i can tell you what you will get in return for the sponsorship
read the sponsorship app it will tell you everything thank you
does that mean we get free controllers .
im an amazing editor if u wanna sponsor me check my utube editsbyvibe
hey guys just follow us on youtube
yes, as of right now its down please add us on skype= FairModz
please go to our website and fill out a sponsorship app
i filled out a sponsorship app through these guys and recieved a email stating my team was too small, when i replied asking how many people i need they said i needed at least 150 views per video on youtube and to just ignore the team size issue. just so you guys know.
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