Well I remember back when it was on TV I never missed a show
It was one of those tv series That made me watch it over and over again to understand the story / hidden meanings
I'm rewatching it from start to end I'm currently on episode 15
What do you guys think of the show?
What was your favorite saying/scene?
What did you think the island was back when the show was on air?
#1 I think the show is amazing
#2 My favourite scenes are with desmond in them His famous saying "see ya in anotha life brotha"
#3 I thought the island was a Huge alien space ship or aliens had to do with something
It was one of those tv series That made me watch it over and over again to understand the story / hidden meanings
I'm rewatching it from start to end I'm currently on episode 15
What do you guys think of the show?
What was your favorite saying/scene?
What did you think the island was back when the show was on air?
#1 I think the show is amazing
#2 My favourite scenes are with desmond in them His famous saying "see ya in anotha life brotha"
#3 I thought the island was a Huge alien space ship or aliens had to do with something