Low level pking clan [Magic: 44 | HP: 29]


Active Member

Past trips:

Dykerosoft - RG Dyker
Techno - RG Techno
Carbon - RG Carbon
DrecliN - RG DrecliN
Chewbaka - RG Chewbaka
Abyssalis - ???
ireppgold - RG irepgold
Ninja - RG Nun
Zangrefia - RG Zang
Ping - RG Ping
Phantomkiller42 - RG Reaper
$HøvÉ B-Ó - RG Shove
RG Nightmare - RG Nightmare
Shmi117 - RG Shmi

  • Your username must be "RG _________" <-- Your nickname goes there.
  • 30 magic (You must level with HP, don't stay at 10)
  • Skype (You don't have to have a mic, you can just listen to what we are saying. This is necessary to maintain order)
  • Turn private chat off.
  • Public set to friends.
  • Add everyone in the clan-chat to your friends list.


Gear will be supplied for you by Techno or myself.

Gear includes Armor, staffs, runes, and amulets.

Home world: 57 (High risk wilderness)

Clan Chat: RG Techno

If you die while PKing your items will be replaced.

We dominate people and usually KO them instantly. Come join the fun.
RE: Low level pking clan

Ok guys, I will inform you when I've created an account, this will be great fun!
RE: Low level pking clan

I'll join. Looks great.
RE: Low level pking clan

Wow, why do we need skype? I don't want to get skype just for this :/
RE: Low level pking clan

i am 20 mage 12 hp on my RG Justin.
but i have a spare account with 31 mage and i think its level 20, would i be able to use it?
RE: Low level pking clan

Ireppgold said:
Wow, why do we need skype? I don't want to get skype just for this :/

To hear us call out who to pile.
RE: Low level pking clan

Justin said:
i am 20 mage 12 hp on my RG Justin.
but i have a spare account with 31 mage and i think its level 20, would i be able to use it?

Name has to have RG _____ < Username or slang part of username.
RE: Low level pking clan

damn. okay. that sucks for me.
RE: Low level pking clan

That's cute. Should be fun kiddos.
RE: Low level pking clan

Just get ventrilo, or just type in rs chat, I don't want to make a skype account for this :/ but if it's a true must like, if I don't get skype then rs will end, I suppose I could get it -.-
RE: Low level pking clan

No-one really wants to purchase a ventrillo, and it is not needed for the site. There are only 2-4 people in command me dyker and whoever else is high ranked and leads with me usually chewy carbon drecliN
RE: Low level pking clan

i saw this guy pking today, he was only lvl 42cb and he had 70 mage and gmaul. he was ice burst rushing so many obby necks, you should turn all accs into those
RE: Low level pking clan

I'm going to start training an account and join in.

Shouldn't be long.
RE: Low level pking clan

Alright boys, 19 hp and 30 Mage, I'm ready to go when I get the time and place
RE: Low level pking clan

I'm done as well 30 mage and 19 hp.
RE: Low level pking clan

Sweet ninja, well wait for a few more members to get on so we can pwn noobs.
RE: Low level pking clan

psh im 30 mage 18 hp owned?
RE: Low level pking clan

Abyssalis said:
psh im 30 mage 18 hp owned?

Owned? Were going into wildy, more hp is good.
RE: Low level pking clan

This team is going to be massive if your account is done I will add it to the list in the first post.
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