Title : lukas76's guide to free shit!
Author : Lucas76
Pages : 1
Review By : Zammyslave
The information provided in this guide is pretty good. You actually can make
money off it, and get free stuff. You will make money and get free rapidshare
Although, I couldn't get a link to work (VPS link).
It's not hard, follow systematic steps and end up with a decent amount of
cash. In some cases you need a friend to help you though.
It's an html site, with no background. A simple list with the steps to be
Horrible to the eyes, sadly.
Horrible grammar. The author doesn't use punctuation marks, and only
uses capital letters around 60% of the time, when they're needed.
If you have friends that can be bothered to help you, or the software the
author recommends, there's no problem with this method other than the
presentation of the guide, and the price. I believe this guide is overpriced
due to its lack of effort ($15).
Go ahead and buy it if you're practical, and won't get upset because it doesn't
look good and it's overpriced, since it can help you earn some money.