Made a pretty penny

Unanimous said:
You could have gotten more. I mean the Xbox w/ 20 games? Jesus.

I needed the money to be honest. its a investment.
I believe you got a good deal. I mean, the old Xbox isn't worth that much since the One came out. The prices drop when newer stuff comes out.
I personally think that could've gone for more but if you got it for free then that is one hell of a profit, congratulations!
It would've taken more effort, but you would've gotten more had you sold the console seperate from the games. Individual games can get you $10-$20 a game + $150-$200 for the console, that's $400+
I agree with him. But its a trade-off, you sacrifice what "could" have been for quick cash. As long as you're happy with it you're all good. I think its an acceptable amount, grats.
I think you could have easily gotten a better deal if you sold them all individually.