Made "Ask Me Anything"

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Yea I'm not that big of a Halo fan.
Haven't been to many but I'm most active on here and HF so yea.

I like them because there full of information.
Made said:
Haven't been to many but I'm most active on here and HF so yea.

I like them because there full of information.


What is your favorite color?

Give us scientific proof that any of your theorys occured?
Philly said:

What is your favorite color?
Red or like white.
More questions.
Buyars said:
do you play halo 3?
Not really every once and awhile.
Now that we got a few new members I suppose I will bump this ask my some question if you would like.
Zeus said:
What website do you think you spend most of your time apart from FK?
Facebook, Twitter, Hackforums.

Also I also ways chill with my friends on Tinychat.
Anymore questions.
Philly said:
Chicken or Beef?

Depends on what I'm having like are you talking about if I just had chicken on one plate and beef on the other.
Made said:
Depends on what I'm having like are you talking about if I just had chicken on one plate and beef on the other.

I am just asking about your preference.
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