Made "Ask Me Anything"

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Philly said:
I am just asking about your preference.

Chicken on most things but I don't like boned chicken so not that.
Any More Questions Guys
Buyars said:
Do you play halo 3 ?


Not really a Halo fan but I play when I'm bored.
Jon said:
do you plan on going to college? if so where at?

Yes and Florida
What else do you guys have for me I'm bored
What kind of clothes/shoes do you rock? (no homo)
Zeus said:
Whats your Favorite Artist/Artists?

Top 5 right here

1. Drake
2. Kid Cudi
3. Wiz Khalifa
4. Big Sean
5. Tyga

1. Linkin Park
2. Panic At the Disco
3. Three Day's Grace
4. Disturbed

NIke said:
What kind of clothes/shoes do you rock? (no homo)
Polo-Shoes and Cloths
Nike-Shoes and Cloths
Levi's-Jeans mostly
Rock Revials-Jeans
Big Star-Jeans
The rest are just like graphic tees and stuff like that and hoodies.
Jon said:
If you could fuck any girl on the spot, who would it be?
Brittany this girl at my school


Megan Fox

Philly said:
I hope you know that it is a guaranteed fact that Megan Fox is a guy....?

Since when??
Jon said:
Is she blonde? Nuff said.

She has always had highlights but right now her hair is idk I think reddish or something but shes sexy trust me.
Jon said:
I can deal with that
What is your type of girl?(blonde, burnetter, ginger) lol

As long as they look good but I like Blondes and Brunettes

Irrational said:
coke or pepsi????????????

Don't like dark colored drinks

I'm more of a Sprite fan.
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