main all unlocks/6 months of live


Selling my main
has 6months of live left
72k legit gamerscore
all map packs for mw2/mw3/black ops1/ and nuketown zombies/nuketown 2025

Cod4: 9th legit
mw2: 10th legit
black ops 1: 15th legit/ high kd
mw3: 9th legit/ high kd
black ops 2: 3rd/ diamond snipers 4 gold assault/ high kd

post offers or message me on xbox fzeeq
also would like to buy a fresh OG gamertag up to 85$
can add me on xbl
black ops 1-
black ops 2-
72K legit gamescore? Just curious on how your "100% Completed" games, actually ALL, don't have a unlocked date stamp on it...but GLWS.
I want this hmu
This gamerscore is not legit. This profile will get permanent banned because I the modded avatar... I mean come on its even in the gamer picture
Cold said:
This gamerscore is not legit. This profile will get permanent banned because I the modded avatar... I mean come on its even in the gamer picture
My account is not perm banned if it was, how am i 3rd prestige on black ops 3 and still to this day play online with it?
i dnt have a modded avatar only my picture is of a modded avatar :l
Plz do not make these assumptions

and still for sale message me a reasonable offer or good OG tag
I highly doubt the gscore is legit tbh.
But GLWS anyway..
Modded avatars get you a permanent ban. You might not be banned yet but it will eventually happen.
I tried to deal with this user, he wanted 2 of my tags which is no issue for me, but refused to go first and refused to use quad, cole, christy, or jimmy as a middle man. wanted me to send tag first and then he send his, then i send my other tag.... kind of sketchy in my eyes so USE A MM PLEASE =)
YoloSwag420 said:
Modded avatars get you a permanent ban. You might not be banned yet but it will eventually happen.

Exactly. I love this main but I don't want to buy it and have it get banned later because of the modded avatar.
That gamerscore is modded for sure I promise don't waste your time look at like gears and halo no time stamps you gotta be online for some of those achievements I know for sure also there's a lot more like that :/
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