Make $75/Day [Leaked by iPhone]

Lol this isnt leaked by you...
I got like 10 diffrent ebooks which explain the exact same thing.
Tried it.
Works except i got banned somehow from sharecash.....

best thing to do is just put somethingl ike this in:
then ask them for the code and there ip
Worked for me


(Alot of ppl doing this so you should feature your job or give high payrates)
I'm going to try this, got to wait for Share-cash to pay me though!
Oh crap, this is actually pretty cool. I wonder... is this agaisn't the rules of FileIce though? If it isn't I will probably use this website lots. Thanks man, glad this wasn't and e-book too.
Seen this eBook various of times but it's still great so to say.
This guide actually makes a bunch of sense! I'm not sure that there would be that many people willing to do ShareCash offers though. Props to you my friend.
lolr said:
Sharecash things aren't that great. :S FileIce = Better, so just do it with FileIce

why are u saying that fileice is better..?

one more person here was saying about this,...:/
Great method. I had to do 0.30 per worker to get them to do it though.
Do not do this with File Ice. If RadarX ( Owner of FileIce LLC ) catches you doing this, he won't hesitate to ban you.
Is this not saturated now? I used to do it a while back. I would have thought a lot of people are doing it now.
This is retarded, you'll get banned very fast. I have not even tried it, but if you look on the SC forums, you'll find countless of idiots like these spamming "I didnt do anything wrong", few minutes later support writes "You used minuteworkers". They aren't dumb LOL.
Definitely a brilliant idea, but from the looks of a lot of reviews it's difficult to get people to actually download it. :\
So i need to invest money to get more money...? That sucks!
Thanks a lot for this I cant wait to use this and only 10 cents? Fuck the workers get ripped
Caelja said:
So i need to invest money to get more money...? That sucks!

That's how business works and you have exactly wrong mindset to make money. If you want to earn high, you must be willing to invest to make good profit.
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