Make Money, do little work

Mr Special

Hey everyone! Here is my guide on how you can easily make money on PayPal or other various online stores such as

1. Go to the app store and type "app trailers" download the app trailers by AppRedeem Inc.

2. Open up the app and register your email, REMEMBER to use a your paypal email for this.

IMPORTANT STEP : 3. You will see tabs at the bottom, click the Apps tab and press Enter Bonus Code, and enter the code: mrspecial. This will give you your first 50 points. This is my referral link, but it also helps you.

4. After this step you can watch all the trailers that will give you more points to redeem later. Every trailer is 10-18 points. Just tap on them and wait until they are over.

5. And finally you can redeem your points for cash with paypal.

6. The most important thing in this app is to invite people, try inviting your friends or make blogs about it like I do. Make people use your code(this is what the developers want) and you can get a $1 per person that uses your code.
:eek: I'm going to look into this.