Make Money Online With Your Ipod Touch/Iphone/Ipad [Free]


This method involves
downloading and installing
free apps, theres nothing else
to it! You get between $0.15-$
1.00 for each download. This
is paid to your paypal INSTANTLY.
Step 1: On your device, go on
safari and type in hxxp:// in the url
bar. (Must do this on your
ipod/ipad/iphone!) Step 2: Register, You only
need an email and a
password, keep in mind that
the email you use will have to
be your paypal address, as
thats where they send the money.
Step 3: They will then ask you
to install there bookmark, do
so following the instructions.
Step 4: You will then be taken
to your first free offer to activate your device (the first
offer normally pays $0.15) Go
ahead and download the app,
and then OPEN the app ONCE.
You will then be paid within
60 seconds. Step 5: Once you've done that
offer, you will be taken to a
larger list, go ahead and start
downloading more! Once
you've done all the offers,
check back daily, as new offers are added each day!
There is a way to confirm your
location without giving them
your phone number. Just
download an app called "text classic free text", and it gives
you a phone number to use to
get texts.
Here is a way to get money for
the paid apps, using installous
(Without actually paying for them, need to be jailbroken)
Download the app from
installous (don't install it yet)
Go onto appredeem and
follow the link of the app you
previously downloaded When it redirects you to the
AppStore, multitask to
installous and install the app
Close installous and run the
Keep the app running until you get an email from
This only works for afew
apps, but can quickly get you
a few dollars