Make Money Using The Viewing Network


so everybody should check out Viewing Network

Its a really new but the concept is good.
I have made $5 in a day by using it ... heres how.

Start up a website(blog or something) put adsense on the blog/website

Go To Viewing Network and download the program it uses.

Start Earning Credits(really easy)

After about 2000 credits register a new sites.
1.- register the blog/website (this gets the views up because if your view to click ratio is off Google will start bitchen)

Then copy the address of a few ads and register them for about 10% of what you used for your views
so if you registered a website for 1000 views then you would register an ad for 100 views(clicks)
--However it is not advised you do only one ad(You will get banned if you do) instead add 10 ad urls each getting 10 views.

The Viewing Network is NOT something that uses proxies.
Every view is LEGIT so there is no way for Google to find out...
if you use it correctly.

You are exchanging your REAL views for other peoples REAL views.
I've heard a lot about blogging and combining it with adsense. I have tried the method and it didn't work out too well for me. Maybe i just wasn't that smart about it though.
I tried this program the this last week. No luck for me. Not working. I read in there forums so little members. And they have some issues because they switch from to java. Peelsaven is your VN working?
I am willing to try it but i dont want a ban or something that blocks my adsense account so can anyone vouch for it ???