make money with facebook

I 've joined this site before and I think the only way to reach 15 euros is referring more and more friends.
P/S: already received payments within one day, good site !
I 've joined this site before and I think the only way to reach 15 euros is referring more and more friends.
P/S: already received payments within one day, good site !
I 've joined this site before and I think the only way to reach 15 euros is referring more and more friends.
P/S: already received payments within one day, good site !
That is really very interesting and great post. By the way how much they will going to pay for each like. As i have seen now a days facebook like is very popular so it cost a little bit high anyways how much they going to pay. And is it safe i mean the website how many times it paid you. And how many likes i can give each day ?
That is really very interesting and great post. By the way how much they will going to pay for each like. As i have seen now a days facebook like is very popular so it cost a little bit high anyways how much they going to pay. And is it safe i mean the website how many times it paid you. And how many likes i can give each day ?
i already heard this site before but I didn't registered because of many bad feedback, not totally bad but they said that after registering here, you will surely earn a lot of like but after that 2 - 3 days the like items/task are less...
i already heard this site before but I didn't registered because of many bad feedback, not totally bad but they said that after registering here, you will surely earn a lot of like but after that 2 - 3 days the like items/task are less...
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