Make your Own Text to Talk in Windows XP


Here I'll Show U How To Make Ur Own Text To Talk Software In Windows XP.Just Follow These Simple Steps....

1. Open the Notepad File and Copy the Text Given Below..

Dim msg, sapi

msg=InputBox("Enter your text","My Talking Software")

Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")

sapi.Speak msg

2. Now Save the File as anyname.vbs (note that vbs Extension).

3.Now Open the anyname .vbs file and Write the Text that you want that Xp will speak...

4. Click on Ok and See that your Xp is Spaeking the Text...

Enjoy and Have Fun!
Is this really working? .vbs--i know a virus named astig.vbs--this infected lots of pc in my friends intrnet sh0p and its really hard to this a virus?will i be able to delete it?
Is this really working? .vbs--i know a virus named astig.vbs--this infected lots of pc in my friends intrnet sh0p and its really hard to this a virus?will i be able to delete it?

.vbs is just an executable Visual Basic Script, you should only really run them if you know exactly what it's doing.

The good thing about .vbs and .bat (another popular executable file which is sometimes used as a quick virus attempt by script kiddies) is that all of the code is visible by simply just opening the file in a text editor.

The code in saishashank96's post is harmless: it's creating two blank variables (msg and sapi), prompting the user for some text in the form of a text box and saving the input into the msg variable, assigning the Microsoft voice object into the sapi variable, then just passing the message into the speak function of the sapi object (which makes it speak).
Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities for a computer refers to the ability to play back text in a spoken voice. This article describes how to configure and use text-to-speech in Windows XP and in Windows Vista.

Use text to speech ..And it is more easier.