Making a pure


Onyx user!
Hello, I am about to make a low lvl pure.
What should I level? And till what levels?
Well what do you want it to be and what combat do you want it to be?
you shouldn't make a pure in mind that you don't know what to make. If you were to make a pure make sure you know what it is and DON'T change it, because once you lvl a stat you wouldn't usually level you can never go back. If you want a pure fast, try a range pure.
I am thinking about 40 attack, 60 strength and 45 hp.
Will that be ok?
If you're going to have 1 defence that's acceptable, but I recommend getting your mage and range up too.
Sorry but in my eyes your a Starter Pker... Its best to start with a ranger pure as they are easy and Very powerfull.... i suggest you get 70 Range 1 Defence and you should get about 40 - 50 hp.... This makes your combat 47. Then after once you become more experienced you should lvl your Attack to 50 and be a mauler or lvl your attack to 60 and rush with combos.. ( your strenght should be around 85 for both options) Leave prayer unless you want to be a high level Pker ( this requires allot of time and money )

If your a member I suggest 82 mage, 85 str 50 attack , 85 range.. Rune cbow with Rune Bolts (E) hits about 20, Then ancients attacks like Ice and then rush with the Gmaul.. this is usually a very good tactic