Making Cash with Facebook & CPALead[Leaked]


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-eBook Contents LEAKED by iPhone of

Note from iPhone: Enjoy the share guys, comment below, and thank me if you want!


The CPALead Method
CPAlead is a network that allows your visitors to take a survey, and each survey can earn you from about $0.30 to $10.00. This method
will help you easily make money with CPAlead with no initial cost at all. The basic idea here is that we will be making a facebook group
dedicated to helping out a cause that people are very interested in. So here is how to make money. I am going to try to be as straight
forward with the directions.

Step 1: Create a blog on blogger. Can be called anything, but try to make the name close to the cause you are going to promote (worldhunger.blogger, etc)

Step 2: Choose a theme which allows you to add a gadget above the main blog posts!

Step 3: Make a POST that says something like “Thank you for helping the cause. Make sure to spread the word on Facebook, twitter, aim , etc. Together we can make a change,” Or something along those lines. Click on more options to set the date of the post to WAY back so that it wont be seen on the main page. Create a GADGET (Edit Layout>>Page Elements>>Add Gadget>>HTML) that briefly summarizes the cause you are promoting and say something about how you are raising money to help the cause and with each survey they complete, they will be helping out. Link to the POST on the gadget.

Step 4: Go to Layout>>Page Elements and drag the HTML gadget above the main blog post area. See same picture above.

Step 5: Under BLOG POSTs on the PAGE Elements Screen>> click edit and change the number of posts seen to 1.

Step 6: Apply to CPAlead

Step 7: Create a widget. Add the code to the POST. This allows people to click on the link to your POST and when they reach the POST, they have to take a survey, which will be their donation. You can also update them on the amount you have made so far. Obviously you can donate some money and keep a profit as well.

Step 8: Getting traffic. Make a Facebook group that is Titled “Support <cause> by joining PLEASE READ!” or Raise money for <cause> by joining PLEASE READ.

Step 9: Add info that links to your blogger. Tell them that taking a 30
second survey will help donate to this cause so please help out. Tell them to invite all of their friends as well using the following code

Add all of your friends to help the CAUSE!: -Click invite friends
-Delete URL from Address bar
-add the following code in address bar and press
enter javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagNam
e('li');for(var fid in elms) {if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}
-click invite friends after all friends are selected (may take a minute or two if you have a lot of friends) Step 10: Invite all of your own friends and start watching the money
roll in. Will take a day or 2 to start seeing a good amount of money to come in, depending on how fast your friends join. Once people
start inviting their own friends, it will become autopilot. This method WORKS great because people love to support causes. Raising money for a good reasons will increase EPC and ratio which creates great profit.
Apply to CPAlead and MAKE MONEY FAST
i did this method last year
(only got 20 off it )
thank you for this
I thought CPAlead was a scam survey thing?
the phone verification for CPAlead won't call my phone?
I'm quite certain that the javascript wont actually choose your friends anymore or at least that's what I heard awhile ago. Other than that, this is rather good method.
Does this really work?
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