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Making your MyBB forum SEO friendly.


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This tutorial was written by Crayo. Please credit me if you post this elsewhere. This is mainly to do with MyBB Forums as I include Plugins to install. Now let's begin.

Unique Content:
Unique content is probably the best way to attract unique visitors via search engines. Unique content means when you write your very own tutorial/review/informative thread. For example, this thread now is unique to Market Forums as this was created by me. The best way to motivate yourself to write unique content is to post about the topic you're very interested in. I'm very interested in SEO/Google and general search engines because it can make or break your website. Film reviews is quite a good subject to write your piece of content on, as you can review the film and put your personal opinion within. Though, I suggest to make sure you post good and bad points.

Google SEO:
This part of the tutorial includes 2 things. One of them you might have to do yourself manually, the other is the Plugin you can install from mybb.com. Firstly we will talk about meta tags. The <META> tag is an important HTML tag that can be a great help in ensuring that meaningful information about your site is included in the crawler archives. You will need to edit the page you want to have the meta tags on, for example your home page. If you need to know how the tag is layed out then I suggest going to google and researching more information on META tags. Although, meta tags have become less essential now, and rumour has it that they are no longer needed, but it's best to be on the safe side.

The second part of the tutorial is installing the plugin. Firstly you need to download the plugin here
. Secondly you will need to install it. There is a txt document included in the .rar which will tell you in detail. I made my mistake by doing all the suggest template editing which you don't need. They supply their own version of "functions.php", so you simply upload that (rename it to functions.php) and replace your current one. You also need to add all the code they suggest to your .htaaccess. Once this is done, you can configure it all in your ACP. This will help a lot, and you will be able to see the results yourself. For example, if you look in our announcement section the URL you see is
which is Googles dream. There will also be error pages included which will replace the general "404 NOT FOUND" page which google hates, but will have your very own unique page for it. This can be difficult installing this, so please don't hesitate to PM me (Crayo. If you're reading this from another site then sign up at marketforums.org and PM me for help).

Tag Clouds (optional):
This is another plugin and is really simple to install, I will supply you with the links needed now.

Download at:

You will need to understand that this mod is for MyBB 1.4, and you will need to manually upgrade it to 1.6. If you are running a 1.6 board, then PM me and I will tell you how to manually upgrade it, it's fairly simple.

There are generally lots of other ways to make your site SEO friendly, some of which I'm yet to do myself. I suggest googling your information and understanding completely what SEO means, and how to make your site search engine friendly.

Thanks for reading! Remember, please credit me and provide the original link of the tutorial if you post it on another website.

Original link:


The members will love you for this! :D