Marketplace Common-Sense
Here are some things you should know, that you should always know. It just seems, no-one listens or knows.
When people have posted, say for example a thread where they're selling their RuneScape Account, and the Auto-Win is $100, and the Starting Bid is $5. DON'T POST WITH A BID UNDER THE AMOUNT, OR DON'T POST "LOL NO-ONE IS GOING TO BUY FOR $100" OR ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES. IT HAS NO RELEVANCE, AND IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, THE SELLER WANTS TO SELL IT FOR $100, DON'T POST NON-SENSE.
Now, onto my next point. This one is not so bad, but at times it really pisses me off, and a lot of other people. "Good luck on sales" I know, I know. I've done this A LOT before, so don't hate. I've stopped, but this one isn't that bad.
Now, onto my next point. This one is not so bad, but at times it really pisses me off, and a lot of other people. "Good luck on sales" I know, I know. I've done this A LOT before, so don't hate. I've stopped, but this one isn't that bad.
I see this daily, and it aggravates me so much. It's just, you don't understand. BUMPING. Yes, I know you want to attract people to your thread, but come on. It will be annoying as hell scrolling down through all the bumps. ONLY BUMP DAILY, NOT EVERY HOUR. When selling something, it's not that hard to POST PICTURES. Like seriously, mod mod super mod? No-one will buy if you don't post pictures, but you're still allowed to sell without. Just do it!
This concludes my rant, if you have any questions please post below. I'll also add some more if I see anything annoying.