Math tutor. {NEED}

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I'll be looking for a math tutor, I need help hence I suck at math. 
May anyone please help me? I mean it's just some basic geometry, hopefully someone can help me out, thanks in advance.
Good luck finding someone who is good at math here on FK. Only thing people can add here is the prices of their ogs.
Harmony said:
Good luck finding someone who is good at math here on FK. Only thing people can add here is the prices of their ogs.
Haha! I actually lol'd. Anyways, hopefully I do find someone, thanks @harmony
Post some questions here and people will help you.
By basic geometry you mean like 8th grader shit e.g. pi, area, volume, etc
Space Time said:
Post some questions here and people will help you.
By basic geometry you mean like 8th grader shit e.g. pi, area, volume, etc

Yes, that's what I mean. 
I'll post some pictures of my homework tomorrow.
I'm actually really good at math. If it's 8th grade shit then I could definately help you.
Monarch said:
I'm actually really good at math. If it's 8th grade shit then I could definately help you.

Okay cool! Thanks! 
You got skype man?

Kind regards, MagicFlakes.
cas said:
Kid doesn't know about shapes, I'm done.
I was locked up most of my life, thanks for putting me down.

Nobunaga said:
this made me laugh more than it should have 

ot: gl finding a tutor :p

KiritoXI said:
i could help. Depends on questions :p pm me

I'll sure PM you.
I'm good at math. Let me know if you need help.
Professor said:
I'm good at math. Let me know if you need help.

Thanks for willing to help me, I'll PM you when I receive some HW.
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