Max39295's Banned Tag Swap Service

well lets see what happens i gave him access to my account to try it out
Holographic said:
well lets see what happens i gave him access to my account to try it out

Let's hope he doesn't go running off with your account...
The method works, but is useless for mains. Don't expect to keep stats, gamerscore or msp that you had on the account.
I might try it out later, although I already know this method.
hmtfu!! im interested, i have an offer you can't refuse!
Well lets all hope this nigga is legit. I want my GT back.
Hit me with a Pm on this.
I want a tag unbanned
Any updates on this yet? Lol looking to see how this works out
Agent said:
if this works i got some ban tagssss

It works. If nobody trusts him I could open this up using the same method etc.
Did this guy ever unban your tag Holographic?
Juqa said:
It works. If nobody trusts him I could open this up using the same method etc.

Quad gave him one of his banned tags to see if it works.
Juqa said:
It works. If nobody trusts him I could open this up using the same method etc.

You say it works yet he has never unbanned Quads tag. Also since you know it, Why don't you buy banned tags and unban them ?.
Control said:
You say it works yet he has never unbanned Quads tag. Also since you know it, Why don't you buy banned tags and unban them ?.
Nobody has given me any tags so i don't know what your saying! Also i'm trying to i made a post.
Control said:
You say it works yet he has never unbanned Quads tag. Also since you know it, Why don't you buy banned tags and unban them ?.
Now you see I would, but I have less than $1 in my paypal. I'll start buying soon maybe as I've got a nice monetizing technique.

Also, I don't know about Quads tag. If he still wants it unbanned he can hit me up.
Anyone that does this is basically giving this guy $40.00 to take your account and sell elsewhere. Not the smartest move if you ask me. There is no unbanning method out so don't be gullible.
This kid is weird... I got the method, then gave him 800 msp... To swap the tag! He said they redeemed it to the account but when I looked... No money their! So I don't know what to say about this kid... I think he is a troll...
max39295 said:
Nobody has given me any tags so i don't know what your saying! Also i'm trying to i made a post.

I HAVE THE PM of me sending you the login to holographic dumbass
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