Maxed pking


Onyx user!
I'm nearly maxed just wandering is it hard,easy?
best tactics?
many people do it?

I know alot of people pk with pures but does anyone on here do maxed or nearly maxed pking?

Alot of people max pk. Its usually best for bridding. Mage, range, melee. Maxed gear. But its totally up to what you want to take with you.
Maxed hybriding or just edge pking? i can teach you to hybrid if you like.......
KukamongaKrackerKiller said:
Alot of people max pk. Its usually best for bridding. Mage, range, melee. Maxed gear. But its totally up to what you want to take with you.
thanks for info

Sexy said:
Maxed hybriding or just edge pking? i can teach you to hybrid if you like.......
edge pking,don't understand hybrid :/
If you think you can survive and get kills and not die to pjers. Sure go max pk
if you cant pk, dont pk at maxed level, you will get raped

if you dont have turmoil, you will also get raped.

if you arent rich or good enough to take expensive gear, you will also get raped.
Famoushope said:
if you cant pk, dont pk at maxed level, you will get raped

if you dont have turmoil, you will also get raped.

if you arent rich or good enough to take expensive gear, you will also get raped.


You will always have to risk whip to get fights.
Normally people use dskirt + whip, so they're risking the whip no matter what.
ConCax said:

You will always have to risk whip to get fights.
Normally people use dskirt + whip, so they're risking the whip no matter what.

well i was talking about hybriding, but if your tanking... aka edge pking you will get fights no matter what your in, even if your risking 100k
Famoushope said:
well i was talking about hybriding, but if your tanking... aka edge pking you will get fights no matter what your in, even if your risking 100k

This is false, you won't get fights at 120+ combat only risking 100k, unless you magicly find someone as big of a noob as you, and they are also risking 100k.
Thanks for all the help/advice guys,I'm thinking of just making a pure and just using my main for money and stuff :)
you can use ur main to pk, what's ur mains f2p cb lvl? i can possibly teach you in duel.
Sexy said:
This is false, you won't get fights at 120+ combat only risking 100k, unless you magicly find someone as big of a noob as you, and they are also risking 100k.

your joking right? lol...
i could go on my main right now and take out rune, ags and find a fight in 15 seconds.

but edge pking is for fags anyway
Famoushope said:
your joking right? lol...
i could go on my main right now and take out rune, ags and find a fight in 15 seconds.

but edge pking is for fags anyway

Hes right, finding a fight in the wild with that armour shouldn't be a problem at all :/
WetRain said:
Hes right, finding a fight in the wild with that armour shouldn't be a problem at all :/

Rune legs=40k (ish)
Rune plate=45k (ish)
Nez helm =35k (ish)
Climbing boots= 40k (ish)

last time i checked that was 160k..

But just ags/rune plate/legs .... You're not going to find a fight.

Jnsn said:

Send me a pm, i can teach you how to edge pk :)
Sexy said:
Rune legs=40k (ish)
Rune plate=45k (ish)
Nez helm =35k (ish)
Climbing boots= 40k (ish)

last time i checked that was 160k..

But just ags/rune plate/legs .... You're not going to find a fight.

Send me a pm, i can teach you how to edge pk :)

Some people go for quick 160k fights. I mean idk about you but 160k sounds good to me x]
WetRain said:
Some people go for quick 160k fights. I mean idk about you but 160k sounds good to me x]

Yeah, i go for 160k fights all the time..That's all i do really since im a zerker and i can't wear barrows or anything..I'm saying not many people are going to fight you if you're 3 itemiing with just ags/rune plate/rune legs.

And, most people have a combat bracelet or some type of RFD gloves (such as barrwos which when you kill someone with barrows gloves on they will drop 60k) and combat bracelet is 60k right now and also glory ammulet is 50k.

So add that onto the 160k
Sexy said:
Yeah, i go for 160k fights all the time..That's all i do really since im a zerker and i can't wear barrows or anything..I'm saying not many people are going to fight you if you're 3 itemiing with just ags/rune plate/rune legs.

And, most people have a combat bracelet or some type of RFD gloves (such as barrwos which when you kill someone with barrows gloves on they will drop 60k) and combat bracelet is 60k right now and also glory ammulet is 50k.

So add that onto the 160k

LOL your a zerker so you actually have no idea....................
Famoushope said:
LOL your a zerker so you actually have no idea....................

i actually have a lvl 118 main to..Sooooo......

Also, Famous.....Find me someone that's not a massive noob that will fight you in just rune plate/legs and a melee weapon, no cape/helm/boots/amulet/shield..Like seriously? lmao, if you go out in fight in just that and you are a "main" you must have something wrong with you irl or just seriously broke on runescape or you just love your pixels way to much.
use pm to have a chat rather than using my thread.