Cult said:Mclovin isn't he a mod ?? wtf is happening lol
Chill said:I honestly dunno what to do.
I'm about to cry!
Cult said:well first i would call your bank tell them that someone is using your bank account then worry about your tags. or have another trusted member call your tags in for you
McLovin said:I have skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If I ever stopped hacking, that'll never be the end of it. I will look for you, I will pursue you. But if I don't, I will look for you, you better be watching because I will find you, and I will HACK you.
Jake said:Haha what is going on is this really happening L0LZ.
Zak said:I think we should ban McLovin, he's a very shady member and shouldn't be mod. #CorruptMcLovin2067
Megaman said:Nintendo x Swag should take his place