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Power member.

Dis nigga tryna tell me some boolsheet. I ain't havin' it.
He's trying to keep all the sick gamertags for himself..
His tag - Unintentionables.

He's hoarding all teh sick og's for his sythe friends.


s/o @Satanism
Him: "I too want a specific gamertag, but I have accepted the fact I will never be able to get it."
Me: Oh really? What would that gamertag be?"
Him: "Bultokachi"
Me: "Cool" (I was trying to be nice.. all though I wanted to say "NIGGA THAT GT IS GAY AS FFFFUUUCCCK")
>"that didnt happened"

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So that's what Bultokachi is. LMAO.
Lmao he is trying to mislead you so he can keep all da cool ones for himself, and also I learned a new word today :3
Arrest said:

So that's what Bultokachi is. LMAO.

I'm actually crying after reading that.
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