Microsoft unbans every single console!

AHAHH EPIC SHIT,that's really smart. Thumbs up for Microsoft.
I bet it's a mistake though.. Think about it, If they did that, they would be sending a message that they support piracy. I bet it was a mistake or something. Or to be nice to the hackers so they don't come after Live
Do you know how much people have bought xbox's because of this, Microsoft is getting SO much money from it. Psn get owned.
Ireppgold said:
Do you know how much people have bought xbox's because of this, Microsoft is getting SO much money from it. Psn get owned.

Funny thing is, PS3 had higher sales for about 6+ months now. almost a year that is.
Did they also unban accounts?
No, they didn't unban accounts. And, they re banned every console that got unbanned so don't even bother. It only worked for 1 day .
They re-banned every single console that was originally banned. That's the terrible news, but hey, consoles were banned in the first place for a reason. They must have done something bad to get their console banned.
Well, sucks for all the people excited to get in a lobby lol.
I have friends with 10+ consoles banned.
Time to make some bank?
I need my xbox live back
eXero said:
I am going to tell my friend who was banned about this. I hope it's true!

your abit late bro, they re-banned every consol again.

I beleive 6 months is not almost a year.
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