Minecraft 1.3

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Active Member
These are the planned changes for Minecraft 1.3. The expected release date is unconfirmed, but it should be released in the near future.

Personally, I'm most excited about the following editions:
  • Emerald ore
  • Trading with villages
  • Commands in single-player
  • Local servers for single-player
  • Pyramids
  • Adventure mode
  • Jungle temples
I'm thrilled that Pyramids are making an entrance, that's the one thing of been waiting for!

Thanks for this info Ocean!
Kevin said:
Xp through mining ores? Oh no more power to xrayers :/

Still a cool update though

No, not XP.

Emerald will be considered currency.
I'm looking forward to it aswell, but I bet I will get bored/used to it after a few days. (like I did with 1.8 and official release.)
Some epic new things coming in!
WHAT! I'm so annoyed. I have got lost numerous times looking for one of those jungle temples, fallen down many reveens and died, losing all my diamond equipment -.- Now you tell me it's coming out?? Grrr... :L

But I'm curious as to what the emeralds will do and if they will be better that diamonds!?!?
Also looking forward to the pyramids, that sounds cool ^_^
i am looking forward to this aswell, thanks for all the info bro:thumbsup:

Emeralds will be the currency you will use to trade with villagers.
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