Minecraft Account Giveaway

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Since I would like to give to the community , I've deiced to give away minecraft accounts. I will be Giving away four minecraft account to 4 lucky winners.

You can only guess one number
Don't PM Asking for the account
I will PM You If you won
Don't pick a number that someone already picked , you will be disqualified.
The Same person may not win two or more minecraft accounts. One per person.

How To Win:

You need to pick a number between 1-20 And reply to the thread with your number. Act Fast to win.
18 ive never played minecraft before, will it steal my life?
Are you still giving away another 3 accounts? or was this contest just for 1 and your doing more later?
Please Keep guessing Numbers , I will be giving another minecraft Account away

Please Guess new numbers 1-20. All the rules still apply. ( If you picked a number already you can pick a new number 1-20 )

Good Luck
New number is 7.

Is there anyway to play minecraft for free just to trial?
hammersmasher said:
New number is 7.

Is there anyway to play minecraft for free just to trial?

1. Go to Minecraft.net
2. Download the beta , on your right.
3. Run the exe
4. Leave the username and password blank
5. Then click Play offline.
6. click Single player
7. Create New world
8. Enjoy the game , its fun.
Is the updated version much different to the classic version?
Yeah , Way different. Try Watching Some videos to get the idea of the game.

Requesting this thread to be closed. Contest Is done account were given. Gratz to all.
I pick number 3 =D Wish me luck.
Phaze said:
Yeah , Way different. Try Watching Some videos to get the idea of the game.

Requesting this thread to be closed. Contest Is done account were given. Gratz to all.

Posting this again for him since nobody wants to read the whole thread without posting.
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