
It's okay for the first few hours but then it gets boring.
True Dat, I only played with my friends.
The best thing about the game is killing cows and sheeps
Godsword its fun when you make stuff and then blow it up with your friends. Try it one time its really fun.
I have the game, it's one of those games I haveopen 24/7 minimized so whenever I'm bored I can pull it up (it's up like 70% of the time xD) and play it.
Ive played this game for 4 months and sometimes i get bored of it but every time i rejoin i have a better reason to play it.
Looking at all those awesome buildings in pics makes me just want to make something better then it in single player.
SO i have minecolony and im hoping to get something like a town started up in single player lol.
TehKevMaster said:
I love playing Minecraft I haven't played it since the last update tho so I'm not sure what it is.

Its been the same since the first update, just new features. The game setting has been the same.
now that i have had it for a while, i have so much fun on it. especially with mods.
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