

Active Member
idrk where to put this, but most of you probably know what minty is? it seems to be taking off rather quickly, and im curious what you guys think is going to happen to it
I really hope it goes somewhere if so then itll be great.
The app has grown very quickly in the last week and I think it has more to come in the future as long as it continues to grow. There are something's they should add and hope to come in the near future but overall it's great in my opinion
I hope it will grow! It is an awesome app
I have over 20 oG accounts. Hopefully it will become more popular so I can make bank
LOL this thread shouldn't be under contests and giveaways, it should be under general discussion I'm assuming.

But I don't know, it seems good, I just don't use it a lot. I'm @Defy
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