Hello welcome to my 3rd guide I will be showing you guys a way to get some steady cash by doing nothing! That is the motto/whatever you want to call it slogan bs LOL.
"get money by doing nothing" literally Ps not going to format as nice as others until tomorrow!
Okay this works better for f2p pkers who have 31 prayer assess to monastery and they come their every time they need to refuel prayer!
Okay lets start this off
You finish your fight your going to get prayer!
Grab a pair of monks robes!
YEP! thats the guide!!!
both pieces go for about 900gp altogether and people always paying more!
So every-time you get your prayer filled and get a pair, you make 900gp+
So lets say 20 times refueling 20x900=about 18000!
It really adds up guys! like last week i had 230 sets!! i made banK! LOL
ENJOY leave some feedbacks if you like short and quick easy guides like this and ill find more!