MoneyWasterPRO [RSBuddy]


Active Member
Introducing the most USELESS script in the history of the game: MoneyWasterPRO!

1. Money
2. Can't have completed Prince Ali Rescue.

1. Start in front of the Al-Kharid gate with money in your inventory.
2. Run the script.
3. Start wasting your money.


Now go waste some money.
iolaka said:
Is this real? HAHAHA...

Of course it is

I actually have a real bot in development, but I just made this one because I was bored. It works lol.
mmmm, pay toll 10gp, pay toll 10gp, pay toll 10gp etc.

LOL. Imagine seeing that, you'd be like, WTF?
You obviously haven't seen my useless script.

Public void loop() {
For(i = 0; i <= 100000000000; i++) {
Automatic Coding said:
You obviously haven't seen my useless script.

Public void loop() {
For(i = 0; i <= 100000000000; i++) {

That is amazing.

I know, but you haven't seen the best yet:

Without you knowing, I added a false command in there, Script.Exit isn't a command

I know, it's just stop();.
I just LOL'd.
This should definitely be in the top 10 list of 'Best Bots Evar'.
HAHHAHAHHHA ! love it dude im doing it right now!
Would Jagex ban you if you made your guy saying "I'm botting" every hour, I couldn't imagine who would have a problem with you wasting all your money.
Bystander: Omg that noob is botting all his money away, 10gp at a time. I'm so jealous, I wish i could do that, the unfair advantages bots have. :beadyeyes2:
Someone should just make a bot that follows the same path as rune essence miners and repeatedly say, " I M B O T T I N G" or something along those lines.
Yeah but then you don't even get the essence, especially since your already there running back and fourth, the hardest bit of it.
[EDIT] Yay, 100th Post. That's kind of sad considering the time I joined onto these forums

Whats your script suppose to do?
Or you could just drop your gold together? but yea that would be a funny bot to create i guess
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