Call of Duty More MW3 Bans!


Active Member
This was posted on FourZeroTwo's twitter not too long ago.

And here is an interesting picture posted on his twitter :/

Phantom said:
Good gets loads of the glitching badkids out of the game.
Yeah I'm glad I never did the prestige token glitch.
I did that glitch awhile ago. I don't really care if I get reset since I don't play MW3 really anymore.
If I ever got a hold of that program holy shit!
The image is extremely interesting! Gives you kind of an idea on what tools they use, and how they do things there...

Indeed, very interesting picture. You should be banned for glitching, especially all the kids who went -1000 tokens to get 10th prestige. Sad.
I presume he's using a altered Dev Kit that can access Xbox Live?

It's also about time the cheaters were banned.