Most Fun Things To Do On RS.


Onyx user!
What do you guys think the most fun things to do on RS are?

I think house parties and Pk'ing are the best things in Runescape. Or atleast they were the first things that came to mind.
I like to go to castle wars with a team of like 10 and set up barricades EVERYWHERE. It's so damn fun.
Pk ing as im only f2p, ive never been a member before, ive heard stories but i never actually got it, parents wont pay for it lol so id say PK ing, ( f2p pk is stil fun )
Alching is so much fun, I don't even know how to explain how awesome it is.

I either like to play some castle wars, Fight some bosses, or sometimes play stealing creations and just barrage people
i reckon keylogging accounts, steal there money. After that check back your logs and see them rage Kidding.

I reckon killing goblins are the best
Quests, I've recently gotten into them.
Story lines are awesome.
Castle wars, staking, and PKing. Besides that, I can't stand other things.
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