Hey guys,
Just a "little" suggestion here.
Been seeing WAY too many people with a whole lot of posts, and a whole lot of red rep. Obviously, they're just doing it for leeching purposes. To combat random lookers from getting accounts posted in the Account Dump section, it is possible to make it so that only users with a certain amount of posts can view a specific part of the thread (most likely containing the account information). Now, the purpose of implementing this system was to make it so that not only could leachers not view threads right off the bat, BUT ALSO to make it so that they had to first contribute to the community! Here's the posts you all get to see on so many threads:
"good job"
"neic hak, give me it"
The above posts are not high quality, and certainly do not contribute to the community.
Post counts != member quality
(A little bit of programming humor in there for all you enthusiasts ^-^)
The longer you're here, the more post counts you get. Derp. Not a good system at all.
That's why I suggest we move to a REP based system for hiding content in threads. I'm so sick of seeing people with negative reps, who contribute literally nothing to the community, getting accounts that have been dumped. Additionally, it really isn't fair. I don't want to call people out, but I saw a member with a little over 250 posts and 4 rep. That user averages 0.016 rep per post. On the other hand, I average (only counting my current post count + this thread and my rep at the time of making this thread) .303 rep per post. I'm not whining about not getting account dumps. I give accounts away. I'm merely saying this is a skewered system that is not obtaining the results desired. Another person gets first dibs at a dump, while I average a rep/post which is 1893% more than his? I just fail to see the logic. Additionally, going back to how the system is flawed, we see that it actually INCREASES the amount of spam. Today, I saw an account dump that required 1,000 posts to view. Now this is not poor on the part of the OP at all. He worked hard to get the account, and doesn't want to give it away to leechers. However, this just creates spam.
A quote from a user on the thread who averages -.084 rep per post:
"wow. 1000 post why so high?
it must be good"
The wrong message is being sent. Users now see this just as more of an incentive to start posting in every single thread available to them.
Post count is based on the amount of times you post. Rep is based on how many of those times that you posted actually meant something.
Now of course, there are arguments against this, so I would to clear some of the cliché ones up right now.
"What happens if someone gets rep fucked?"
Of course this happens in any forum, but it is quite rare. Additionally, the community and staff are always very helpful in fixing this.
"People earn rep for posting something that made someone laugh. How is that contributing?"
I find this much more beneficial than a "lol nice job ur cool gimme some plz".
But that's just me.
"What if I can't get any rep?"
That's the point of rep. You don't just get it. You earn it.
Now, please note. This system is not perfect. No system is perfect. There are flaws in every system out there- the fact is, we gravitate towards the one in which the pros outweigh the cons, especially in comparison to a system which aims to have the same effect. Is my rep based system perfect? Absolutely not. Is it better than the one currently in place? I would say 10 times over.
I apologize for the length of this thread. I hope it has some sort of beneficial value within it. I am not trying to complain how I don't get an account dump. I couldn't care less. Ban me from looking at the Account Dump threads. I just see this as an extremely skewered system that not only fails to achieve its goals, but also creates more spam in the process. This is just fueling the "spam fire" that we have all come to experience and hate. I am more than open to any sort of criticism, tweaks, and of course support. Thanks so much for reading this thread, and please:
Give the content to members who earned it.
~Domo Genesis