Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta?


Power member.
Well Mozilla have released their new super quick Firefox 4 in the past few days.

You can download it here: Click Here

But really, is it any good? Do you prefer the old firefox? I know I do, I think it looks far too much like Google Chrome and I cant seem to find a history link.

Let me know what you think in the poll and commenting below.

That's a big negative lol. I found history though, click the orange firefox block top right.
il trty this l8tr but i think i might just stick with whatever version of firefox i have lol
Also, Firefox just updated their 3.6 version. Why Change? xD
nah i had a look at it and tbh i prefer having a persona to jujst having a silver bar so im not getin it
oh ok just that i had to mess with the toolbars and stuf so i cauld get the hole thing up
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