My f2p intinate pure..


Active Member
Here is my intinate pure. I am going to work on the fishing/cooking and then some mage but i need to know some things to better it's resale value..

1) Should I get my Attack to 60 (I am staying f2p)?
2) What should I train on to get to 70 or 75 Strength (Somewhere not crowed, NOT Hill Giants)?
3) Should I get 80 Mining?
4) How high should I train the prayer?
5) How high should I train the mage?

1 - Yes ( only if you will fight against Rune Armour people ) it will make more damage.
2 - Your Place in that picture is good .
3 - Yes ( Only 2 levels ) if you want.
4 - To 31 Or To 43
5 - Until 31 so you could use Lumbridge Teleport for emergency in PKing .
1) No.
2) Don't know.
3) I don't think so. You will mine in the future? If yes, go to 80.
4) 43.
5) Same as Zennywop.
1) if f2p 40 ofc :|
2) Crawlers
3) You have an auth miner it doesn't take that long
4) 1-16-31 if f2p
5) Until Fire Blast (55 i think Oo?)

Hope I helped
Get Strength and Magic up as high as possible, along with your Mining.
I'm not sure why you make an initiate pure for F2p.
If you make an initiate pure, there are certain quests you should do to get the prayer and defence levels so that you can get better RFD gloves if i'm not mistaken
I was making a FTP intiante pure for someone who wanted to make it members and use it as an intinate pure =p
Train mining to 80, just because you're that close. Definitely get attack and strength up if you are planning on selling. You should train combat at the hobgoblins west of rimmington
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