My first ever "Anime" drawing.


Onyx user!
Alright guys, this is my first ever "Anime" drawing that I really took serious lol but please rate it and tell me what you thing, and what I need to improve on, Thanks<3

i like it but work a little bit on the shape of it, it looks disfigured but hell wtf do i know my handwriting and drawings are fucking awful.
6ix said:
i like it but work a little bit on the shape of it, it looks disfigured but hell wtf do i know my handwriting and drawings are fucking awful.

lol, thanks, ill try to work on it a little bit, but what part of the body do you think is disfigured?
Nice drawing, it needs to more realistic too. :p
I started drawing anime when i was around the age of 13 and know im 18 and the person who helped me out a lot on most of my downfalls was a dude on youtube named Mark Crilley. If your really trying to get into drawing anime definitly check him out he'll help you out a lot.
Pretty good but a she seems like a child without the boobs. You should maybe make the face just a bit thiner, no blush and it'll do. But anyway it's great :)
Tsunami said:
I started drawing anime when i was around the age of 13 and know im 18 and the person who helped me out a lot on most of my downfalls was a dude on youtube named Mark Crilley. If your really trying to get into drawing anime definitly check him out he'll help you out a lot.

Thanks dude idk why you are -25 <3
It's pretty good, although it looks more like a regular cartoon rather than anime.
You have some talent my friend
The body is pretty well done, besides the one of the arms being bigger than the other. The head on the other hand isn't that great. I would focus more on the hair and the face in the future.
Shape of the face. I love it though! Haha! Cool stuff! Keep improving dude :)