My list of users who are going to get raped...


Power member.
How bad of a rape are we talking about?

Like just a a few gentle strokes or just straight up anal bleeding and tearing?
Man, I never get on any list. :(
Hey Autism remember when you begged me and Matt for your sn back? LOL
Jon said:
im pretty sure all male raping conclude in bleeding through the anus ;)

That's what I'm thinking LOL. Snowman, you have quite the homosexual fetish going on. GL with it :)
You didn't accept me into Kings therefore consider your anus demolished!
Jon said:
im pretty sure all male raping conclude in bleeding through the anus ;)

Read it again so you can understand what I said

Astral said:
That's what I'm thinking LOL. Snowman, you have quite the homosexual fetish going on. GL with it :)
I'm guessing you can't read either

Tragic do you want a vouch copy of rape?

Depends, if I am satisfied do I get a discount on future purchases?
I mean yeah, my asshole is already wide open though.